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朱雀 (Jùn wán) is a Chinese dragon boat race, also known as the "Jùn wán wèi"? It is a popular event in China, where people from all over the world come to participate in the race. The race is held on the riverbank of the Yangtze River in many cities in China, and it is a symbol of Chinese culture and heritage. The name "朱雀" comes from the Chinese character "wán", which means "red" and "beautiful". The character "wán" is often used to describe a person's beauty or a beautiful object, and it is also used to describe the color red. In this context, the color red is used to describe the beauty and strength of the dragon boat. The race of the dragon boat is not only about the beauty of the boat, but also about the skill of the drivers and the determination of the participants. The race is not only about the speed, but also about the control and precision of the boat. The drivers need to be able to navigate the riverbanks, avoid obstacles, and make quick decisions in a fast-paced environment. The dragon boat race has become a cultural event in China, and it has also become a symbol of Chinese pride and identity. The race has been held since the 1950s, and it has become a popular event that吸引了 many people from all over the world. The race has also become a symbol of Chinese culture and heritage, as it represents the beauty, strength, and determination of the Chinese people. The race of the dragon boat is not only about the beauty of the boat, but also about the cultural heritage and identity of the Chinese people. It is a event that captures the beauty, strength, and determination of the Chinese people, and it has become a symbol of Chinese culture and heritage. The race has also become a source of pride for many people, as it represents the way the Chinese people have adapted and overcome challenges in their history. In conclusion, the dragon boat race is not only about the beauty of the boat, but also about the cultural heritage and identity of the Chinese people. It is a event that captures the beauty, strength, and determination of the Chinese people, and it has become a symbol of Chinese culture and heritage. The race has also become a source of pride for many people, as it represents the way the Chinese people have adapted and overcome challenges in their history. The dragon boat race is a symbol of Chinese culture and heritage that has become a source of pride for many people.






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朱雀:风水朱雀位 朱雀点头招文才

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