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2017年英文名字最新版 女孩

In 2017, the English name "Adele" was the most popular name for a girl in the United States, with 1,081,000 people named Adele born in the country. This was a significant increase from the previous year, when the number was 976,000. The popularity of Adele can be attributed to several factors, including the name's cultural significance and its being a popular name in the United States. The name Adele has a long history in the English language. It is a name that has been used for centuries, and many people are familiar with it. Adele is often associated with the name Adeleine, which is a derivative of the Germanic name Adele. In German, the name means "the one who is loved by God." This significance behind the name is not unique to Adele, but it does make the name a popular choice for parents who are looking for a name that has a religious meaning. Another reason why Adele has become popular in recent years is due to its being a popular name in the United States. In the United States, the name Adele is often used for children, and many parents are choosing to name their children after their favorite book or character from a book. This can be seen in the many Adele-themed books that have been published in recent years, such as "Adele's Song," a book about a young girl named Adele who is inspired to write a song that will help her family find their way home after a journey through the desert. Despite the popularity of Adele, there are many people who do not like the name. Some parents may be concerned about the name being too similar to other popular names, such as "Adele" or "Adeleine," and may not want to give their child a name that is too similar to a popular name. However, it is important to note that the popularity of a name does not necessarily mean it is the best name for a child. Ultimately, the decision to name a child should be based on personal preferences and cultural significance. In conclusion, the popularity of the English name Adele in 2017 can be attributed to several factors. The name's cultural significance, its being a popular name in the United States, and its being a popular name in recent years all contribute to its being a popular choice for parents. While the popularity of Adele may make it a popular choice for parents, it is important to remember that the best name for a child is based on personal preferences and cultural significance.




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