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适合金牛座的英文名字 The English name for the planet Earth is "China". This name is often used for people with the Earth sign in their chart, as it is a simple and easy-to-pronounce name that is not too difficult to remember. Another name for the Earth sign is "Eve", which is a simple and easy-to-pronounce name that is easy to remember and easy to spell. This name is often used for people with the Earth sign in their chart, as it is a name that is both simple and descriptive. A third name for the Earth sign is "Jade". This name is often used for people with the Earth sign in their chart, as it is a beautiful and descriptive name that is easy to remember. A fourth name for the Earth sign is "Cory". This name is a simple and easy-to-pronounce name that is often used for people with the Earth sign in their chart. It is a name that is both simple and descriptive, and can be a great choice for those who want to make their name easy to remember and spell. In conclusion, there are many simple and descriptive English names that can be used for people with the Earth sign in their chart. These names are easy to remember, and can help make the transition from one name to another easier for the person. The choice of a name is ultimately up to the individual, but in general, simple and descriptive names can be a great way to make a name that is both unique and easy to remember.



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